
Whether you are already a licensed woman pilot (current or not), or working on your license, you are invited to become a part of our legacy as the first and only international organization of women pilots.
The Ninety-Nines are a positive force in the aviation community and you are invited to partake in all that we can offer.
Women student pilots can join The Ninety-Nines as Associate members. To join as a student, you must have a current medical certificate or equivalent document for non-U.S. applicants. You can remain as an Associate member in The Ninety-Nines for up to three years.
More good news is that by joining as a student you are eligible to apply for an Amelia Earhart Memorial Scholarship or a Fly Now Scholarship! With The Ninety-Nines, you are in the company of friends. You receive understanding, encouragement and strength. You can participate in 99s-sponsored flying activities, aviation education and community service.
When you receive your license, you are eligible to join as a full member, ready to help others joining as students.
Not a member? Click here for the application.
The Spaceport Chapter of the 99s is located in Central Florida, covering the area from Palm Coast, in the north; to Vero Beach, in the south; and from the Atlantic Ocean inland to the Orlando, Kissimmee area. Our meetings are generally on the 2nd Saturday of each month at 10 a.m. We do not meet during July, August or December. The meeting place varies monthly. Click on the Calendar button for meeting details.
Click here to join the Spaceport Chapter (once you are an international member).

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